Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21st, 2010: Finished??

Am I finished editing my schedule yet?
Yes, yes... I edited it one last time today... now hopefully I wont have to do it again.
Went and saw "Eat Pray Love" today with my mom and my sister... such a good movie, go see it!
Tomorrow is the last day I get to be with my mom, and I'm already missing her. I'm already crazy home sick and have been for awhile.
I'm in the hotel with my mom right now, just to stay with her for one more night (and I swear, there is an elephant trying to dance staying in the room above us).

Today my mom and I also went to Dance 4 Less to pick up some dance stuff, leave it to UNLV to get me back into pink tights, black leotards and ballet shoes. Ugh. But! I did get a super cute new dance bag. That's the only thing that makes it liveable. I mean, yeah, I wanted to get back into Ballet... but not back into the leotards or pink tights. I'm not the biggest fan of feeling like I'm suffocating in my clothes because everything I'm wearing is just so darn tight. But life as a dancer, I guess I can't complain too much since its the life style I've chosen to follow.

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