Sunday, November 4, 2012


Hey all,
so I thought I had kicked all the health issues in the butt, but ends up I'm down for the count again. Bleh.
I have been freezing cold all day, and can't seem to get warm. Took my temperature: 99.2. I know that isn't insanely high, but since my normal "healthy" temperature is under the average, anything above is concerning.
On top of that, I'm realizing how much media has changed society's view on weight loss. Since my infection, I had lost a lot of weight and in a very unhealthy way due to not eating. I'm at my weight goal of 135 which is a healthy weight for me, as long as my body is healthy. But since I got here in an unhealthy way, my body seems to be shutting down. I have almost passed out and my appetite is gone. I have been forcing myself to eat. The reason why I say that media has changed society's view on this subject is because all of my friends and my "myfitnesspal" friends/motivators are all congratulating me! What even?!
I've explained to them that there is no reason to congratulate me on losing this weight since it wasn't in a healthy way. But yet, they say it's the numbers that count! Not even! I'd rather be at this weight, but by being lean and eating clean, rather than being here due to an illness that caused me to not eat. People these days. So concerned with being skinny that they don't really care about their bodies. I know I'm not out of shape and don't need to lose weight, and to me it isn't about losing the weight, its about gaining the muscle. I want my muscle back and to do that I need to work out and eat clean. This will cause some weight loss, but in a healthy way.
Anyway, I'm in bed, trying to get warm. I'm wishing my boyfriend was here so I could cuddle up to him, but he's still at work and I don't think he's stopping by afterwards. :/ Things seem off again.
Send positive thoughts my way please, I need to get better. My birthday is this coming Saturday! I turn 21! I can't miss that!

1 comment:

  1. Awe Car, I really hope you feel better soon and I totally agree with you, I only want to lose weight healthy, I don't think it is great to lose weight when you are sick... that is foolish... what is wrong with people.

    I am sending positive thoughts out to you Car... I am happy to see you posting more regularly:)
