Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2nd, 2010: Goodness

So tonight is our game against our biggest rival (UNR)... we'll lose. We've only won one game and it was against New Mexico. So anyway, I'm not going to our game tonight... not only because I can predict that we'll lose horribly but also because my ankle hurts.
I went to see the doctor on Thursday and she told me I have tendonitis and tore a muscle in my ankle. It hurts horribly. So she prescribed a really heavy duty IbProphen and I have to keep my ankle wrapped. If it isn't better by Tuesday I'm supposed to call and see a different doctor. Ugh. I don't like doctors at all.

I've decided I should break up with Steven, not that anyone cares.

I can't wait to be home for Christmas. I wont want to leave.

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