Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3rd, 2010: Tears

I'm in tears right now...
not bad tears..
but good tears.
I just got off the phone with my dad,
and I finally heard the words I've been working so hard to hear...
apparently he's said them before but their usually surrounded by negative so I never hear it...
this time it wasn't.
It was all good:
"Just with talking on the phone to you, I can hear how much you've grown up in such a short period of time. I'm proud of you."
There they were.
Ringing in my ears and bringing tears to my eyes.
I know my dad is proud of me but its rare to hear it like how it was said.
Usually its "I'm always proud of you but you could do better"...
or something along those lines.
I miss my dad so much.
Even though him and I don't get along as much as I wish we did...
I miss him so much.
I miss my mom too, but that one is obvious.
"I'm proud of you."

Thanks daddy...

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