Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 28th, 2010: Wanna know something?

Wanna know something I don't like about myself...
I write.
Yeah, that's right...
I don't like that I write.
Personally I think I write pretty well.
I'm not the best,
but there is no way I'm the worst.
I know I have spelling and grammar errors
and still don't know when to use "to" or "too".
I still think I get what I'm meaning to be clear...
by this time you might be wondering why I don't like that I write, right?
Well, it is fairly simple,
I can express myself so well when I write,
partly because I can proof read before anyone gets to read it,
but with this fact I feel that when I try to talk about how I'm feeling...
I either ramble,
don't make sense
or say nothing.
I don't like that I write because I feel like now I can only fully express myself through my writing.
And I am a little tired of hiding between pen and paper
or behind these computer screens...
I think...

it is about time

I find my voice again.

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