Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26th, 2010: The ramblings of the mind

I'm in a good mood I promise.
I have class tomorrow, but I have a sprained ankle. Which isn't good.
I'm kind of upset because my dad was supposed to call tonight, and I finally had some good news for him... something to finally make him proud of me and he didn't call. I should be used to this from him. Breaking deals/promises... but it still hurts.
And then one of my used to be best friends is messaging me an trying to suck up to me... whatever. I'm done with that drama. I just want Steven (my boyfriend) to get off work and text me so I can fall asleep.
44 days till my birthday, 60 days till Hannah is here and 74 days till I'm home.
When I'm home Steven is hoping to get to come visit, which I will love.
Also I talked to my big brother today which made me smile, I miss him soooooooooo much.
I wanna be home.

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