Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31st, 2011: East Main?

 So today I ran errands around Medford and Central Point.
I had to:
  •  Drop off something for my mom
  • Go to the bank
  • Go to the mall and spend my rebate that expires tomorrow
  • Get Dutch Bros
Funny thing is; while I was trying to drop off the package for my mom, I got lost. I should have known where this street was, because it is East Main... but yet, I passed it somehow and ended up all the way on the other side of town. So I got back into the right side of town, retried... and failed so I decided I was going to go to the closest Dutch Bros. (for those who don't know what Dutch Bros. or DB is... its a coffee stand that was started in Grants Pass, Oregon and its my favorite coffee stand). I know where every DB is in this town (and many others) so I get there, look at the street sign and guess what?! Its on East Main! I started laughing so hard.
So that was my adventure today.

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