Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30th, 2011: Oops back to 10

So, I haven't written for 10 days...
and the most of this is because of the fact that I feel close to breaking down.
I'm looking for a job,
trying to deal with money,
dealing with guys,
trying to get into school in September,
STILL trying to sort out everything with UNLV,
pack up my room at my mom's,
and still trying to keep my passion in dance.
I'm trying to do all of this without just totally breaking down.
This is rather difficult...
'cause there's a huge gap in my support system...
and I don't know who to fill it with....
So I'm sorry for not writing as much,
I just don't want to be the writer who only writes negative things.
Thanks for sticking with me readers, it means a lot.

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