Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10th, 2010: Last night

This is my last night in Vegas, and I'm fighting tears on and off.
I can't wait to go home and see my mom, and move to my own place...
but I'm going to miss my roommie and other friends like no other!

I know I'll be back in March and see everyone but still its like...
I just don't want to leave and have everything change.

My friend's post on my Facebook wall helped me alot:
"love i know this is a hard time for you. you can do it. i promise your crazy strong dear. head held high, you arent defeated your just meant for something bigger and better than the people who pushed you down.
and to you being sad about le...aving friends: its never goodbye, its just farewell and see ya later unless YOU make it goodbye. and if they make it goodbye they arent worthy of your glorious friendship.
be strong, bee, you can do it.
im here when you get here, text me through out the trip. i want funny pictures, quotes and sos through the entire 16 hours.
cant wait to see you, darling. trust me its for the best."(-Keith Coiens)

Also I find I'm back to the Dear John quote:
"It actually doesn't matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb.

I'm scared to death to start this new life, and yet again, I'm scared that I'm starting it alone...
I'll find a new roommate rather quick.
and that my friends who might stop in and see me stay true to their words:
*cough* Hannah, Chris, Andy, Manda *cough*

Wish me luck readers.
I'll post when I'm back home and have the lovely privileges of my mom's wireless internet 
which reminds me:

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