Friday, December 31, 2010

December 31st, 2010: Happy New Years Eve day

Wow, that's a tricky title.
Kinda don't really have anything to say,
just wanted to assure my readers I'm still here and haven't given up on my blogging carrer.
I now live in Eugene.
Trying to attend the college here,
but UNLV kinda screwed me over so I can't start right off the bat.
I finally got my room feeling like my room today,
and I've been here for about five-ish days now.
But I like it here...
as long as everything works out.

But see:
I'm still alive.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 25th, 2010: "And they say, the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day".

Have you ever just listened to you heart?
Found out what makes it beat faster, or slower?
Test it: its interesting.
I know thinking about certain things/people makes my heart race,
and thinking about other things makes my heart almost stop...
its an interesting muscle/organ.
Test it....

December 25th, 2010: Tis Christmas.

Outline of Christmas:

  • Bear holding bag of Snickers (Mat)
  • Camera (Tom)
  • Princess perfume (Mom)
  • Tinkerbell Ornament (Mom)
  • Car accessories (Dad)
  • "Dream" bowl (Ariel)
  • Chocolates (Carrie and Jackie)
For dinner there was turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing  and a bunch of other food. 'Twas what we are calling a "goddess Christmas" because it was just my mom, Jackie, Carrie and I for dinner. It was fun.
Now I am on the couch watching "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" and thinking about how much I have to do before I move on Tuesday.

Phew, better take a deep breath now while I have the chance.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22nd, 2010: Smile

'cause it literally makes everything better.
Smiles make your "enimies" worry,
makes your friends feel good,
and brightens your heart.
Remember those moments that make you smile to where you can't stop,
remember those times where your smile made the whole world brighter.
Smiles are contagious...
smiles are beautiful.

I can't stop smiling,
though I am a little sad.
Its a bittersweet feeling right now,
everything is going beyond amazing,
and I'm so far beyond happy...
but now it'll be awhile till its here again.
Not a long while,
but still a while.

I need to figure out when I'm going to be moving,
make things less stressful...
I'm off to talk to my mom.
Lets figure some of this out.

"You’re better then the best
I’m lucky just to linger in your light
Cooler then the flip side of my pillow, that’s right
Completely unaware
Nothing can compare to where you send me,
Lets me know that it’s ok, yeah it’s ok
And the moments where my good times start to fade
You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh, you make me smile
Even when you’re gone
Somehow you come along

Just like a flower poking the sidewalk crack and just like that
You steal away the rain and just like that
You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh, you make me smile
Don’t know how I lived without you
Cuz everytime that I get around you
I see the best of me inside your eyes
You make me smile
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh, you make me smile
- Smile by Uncle Kracker

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21st, 2010: So hard

Its so hard to not scream this secret to the world.
It had been three days now and I wanna just yell it from the tallest building.
I'll spill soon enough, but until then, its bottled up.

Okay, on a different note:
Its only four days till Christmas, and wanna know something cool?
There's more gifts under my tree for friends than they're are me.
I am in such a good mood.
Maybe Oregon does fit me, which I'm fine with.

I'm still trying to figure out everything out with living and schooling:
I wanna live with Mat in Eugene and just transfer my Florence stuff over to Eugene,
but guess what;
its not that easy:
I tried to go onto the website to get my official transcript from UNLV and guess what:
I'm blocked from it because "I owe them money".
So guess what else:
I can't start school this coming term.

Luckily I have my secret, and my secret is great...
can't wait till I can tell.
Its getting so hard to not tell everyone.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

December 18, 2010: Just an update

Just as an update for those who think I've jumped off a bridge or got beaten up by a Oregon moose: I am fine. Still living, I promise.
I haven't been writing much because I've been trying to see my friends.
Last night Auni, Hannah, Mat and I went to the ballroom.
It was great!
Mat and I are seriously inseperable lately:
last weekend he got into town on Sunday and spent the night at my house,
then Monday I spent the night at his. We were apart for Wednesday while I was out of town and he went back to Eugene.
Then he came back into town yesterday and we went to the ballroom: surprise surprise: he spent the night here. Now as I am typing this, I am waiting for him to come pick me up so I can spend the night over at his house and we'll be together all day tomorrow too since we are going to the bowling tournament in Grants Pass.
I'm still trying to make plans to see Devin and what not, he just got over being sick so we'll see each other soon; hopefully.
Well that is seriously all I had readers, just wanted to assure you that I'm not lost in the forest or anything.

Oh and for a more serious tone:
I got Lane Community college all worked out for Florence, but I haven't been accepted for housing. I may look into seeing how easy/hard it would be to transfer everything over to the LCC in Eugene since that way I know I could live with Mat.
I need to make a choice soon since the LCC in Florence starts school January 3rd. But how can I go to school when I have no place to live?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 14th, 2010: Coming up on the end of a busy busy week...

  • Got dad from airport
  • packed my car
  • checked out of my dorm
  • said bye to Chris and Cortney
  • started the road trip home (didn't sleep much in the car either)

  • Got home around 6a.m
  • Hung out with mom
  • Unpacked car
  • hung out with Gabe and Ariel
  • Was Senior Sam's (near Crater) last customer
  • Saw the Crater play: The Mirror

  • Mall with Ariel
  • Hung out with Mat, Zack, Ariel, Mark
  • Went to Ashland with those said above.
  • Drove around with Mat and Zack
  • Mat and Zack stayed the night and we watched Harry and the Hendersons.

  • Drove to Eugene
  • Met with housing of St. Vincent de Paul for Florence.
  • Drove back home
  • Went over to Mat's
  • Played Scrabble
  • Stayed the night at Mat's
  • Went to school with Mat.
  • Saw all the teachers I wanted to see
  • Went to Sonic for lunch.
  • Got my car registration renewed
  • Went bowling

Rest of the week:
Tomorrow (aka Wednesday) I drive to Florence and meet with my LCC councilor. Then drive back home.
Thursday I have no plans and Friday I get to go to the ballroom.

Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10th, 2010: Last night

This is my last night in Vegas, and I'm fighting tears on and off.
I can't wait to go home and see my mom, and move to my own place...
but I'm going to miss my roommie and other friends like no other!

I know I'll be back in March and see everyone but still its like...
I just don't want to leave and have everything change.

My friend's post on my Facebook wall helped me alot:
"love i know this is a hard time for you. you can do it. i promise your crazy strong dear. head held high, you arent defeated your just meant for something bigger and better than the people who pushed you down.
and to you being sad about le...aving friends: its never goodbye, its just farewell and see ya later unless YOU make it goodbye. and if they make it goodbye they arent worthy of your glorious friendship.
be strong, bee, you can do it.
im here when you get here, text me through out the trip. i want funny pictures, quotes and sos through the entire 16 hours.
cant wait to see you, darling. trust me its for the best."(-Keith Coiens)

Also I find I'm back to the Dear John quote:
"It actually doesn't matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb.

I'm scared to death to start this new life, and yet again, I'm scared that I'm starting it alone...
I'll find a new roommate rather quick.
and that my friends who might stop in and see me stay true to their words:
*cough* Hannah, Chris, Andy, Manda *cough*

Wish me luck readers.
I'll post when I'm back home and have the lovely privileges of my mom's wireless internet 
which reminds me:

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 6th, 2010: Your heart, the treasure chest in your body that is locked up tight.

      People make mistakes, but they are supposed to be forgiven. Its said to forgive, but never forget... I know I make mistakes, and I know its up to the person to forgive me. I have no control over that. All I can do is hope and pray that they'll find it in their heart to give me another chance. I know from experience that its easier said than done but I still try. I try to not have a grudge on my shoulders and hate in my heart.
     Hate, if only people really understood the word. “I hate you” is just as powerful as the sentence “I love you”. If you really don't like a person, you wouldn't have an opinion of them either way. Hating someone is still caring enough about them that their opinions matter enough to alter your life and they are still in your heart.
     Your heart, the treasure chest in your body that is locked up tight. Very few people have the key, but when they do, they're in your heart forever. Even when they hurt you and you “hate” them... they will still be in your treasure chest heart. You can move miles away from them but still find yourself missing them on an hourly basis. Even if we care enough about them to hate them, we still miss them.
     It is all part of life: loving, hating, caring, missing, forgiving, forgetting... living.
     As Natalie Chanin once said “if you want to make a difference on the planet, this is it: have nothing in your home or life that you do not know to be useful, believe to be beautiful or know that you will strive to keep in your life forever”. This isn't simply about objects but about people.
     Why have someone in your heart (or as Chanin puts it “home”) if they just take from you and don't help you at all? Why have someone that makes your life ugly? Why have someone in your life that you don't want to keep there forever? I know all this is simply put, and easily said. My automatic thought is “how do I know who is doing all this until its too late?” and its exactly that, you don't know until it's too late. That's how we learn: mistakes.
     Our parents try to protect us from the mistakes as a child: “honey, don't touch the stove... its hot and you'll burn yourself”, “don't talk to strangers”, “don't play with fire”. Our parents probably try the best they can, but once we're out on our own... is it really enough? Everyone makes mistakes, they are part of life. It is just up to us to figure out how we learn from them and what we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. We are nothing but mere humans, we are not perfect... no matter how hard we try. We are not made to be perfect.
     What is perfect exactly? The lack of a flaw? If that is so... then is there such a thing as perfect? I ask this because every person sees things different, so when something is flawless to one person, it could be full of flaws to another.
     I know I'm jumping around a lot, going from subject to subject... but its because I'm dealing with all this right now as I write.
     I've made a mistake, and I've asked for forgiveness... I'm not sure I have it. I know I should have been up front about my worries, and just talked to the person myself... but they weren't here so I went to a friend. I was stressed and freaking out... I just needed someone to talk to right at that moment. Its my fault and I know this, I'm not trying to push the blame onto others. I just hope there is forgiveness at some point in this life. I'm not even asking for understanding...
     At this point, I keep hoping the person walks through every door, or knocks on mine just so I can ask in person for forgiveness. But I don't want to bother him, so I don't text him asking if we can talk. I guess I'm leaving it in God's hand. If I am meant to talk to him, he will show... if not, it is how it is. I don't like leaving it like that, it hurts me... but if I've already tried, then the ball is in his court and I can't do anything else.
     Its all part of life: make friends, lose friends, make mistakes, try to mend, get hurt, heal, become weak, gain strength... hate, love... life.

December 6th, 2010: Breathe easy little one.

Breathe easy little one,
the sun will shine again.
The light will shine through all this darkness...
and things will get better.
What goes up,
must come down.
But no matter how far you fall,
just know,
there's someone there to help you back to your feet.
People will come,
people will go...
but its those people that stay,
or come back
that you know are truly there for you.
Breathe easy little one,
tomorrow is a new day.
A new start...
forgive today...
do better tomorrow.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 4th, 2010: As the past repeats

So I've been talking to a guy from my past.
He's my ex, and it wasn't until I started talking to him again that I realized how much I miss him.
If you've read my other blogs you might have heard of the infamous Devin.
The guy that there was a possibility I was in love with.
Well, he's back... again.
I'm kinda excited to go back home and see him,
maybe this time...
maybe ...
maybe him and I will finally work out?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2nd, 2010: Learnings, fears, and all the other stuff.

My life as a college kid in Las Vegas....

oh goodness, leave it to this small town girl to end up in Sin City right?
Its a few days till I'm going home, eight days till I'm on my way back to Oregon.
Part of me knows I'll miss Vegas, and the other part can't wait to say “see ya later”.
I'll probably come back and visit, but I dunno. I guess I wasn't meant to live here.
This city has made its impact on me and that can't ever be changed.
I've been beaten down by the people, and I've had to figure out how to build myself back up with no help at all.
I've had to learn that you can never get over your first love, and “what if” questions are pointless.
I've had scares and I've had injuries.
I've had my fair share of sins and mistakes...
and am I proud?
Heck no,
but I can't change that.
I've had to learn to cope and not just run when I feel I can't do what I'm wanting to do.
There is always a way, sometimes you have to work harder than what you wanted and sometimes you have to just be patient when you don't want to be, but that's when you have to think: how badly do you want this?
Is it worth the time and effort? Is it worth the pain that will probably come with the strain?
If the answer is yes, then you have to try with every single fiber of your being.
I guess my adventure was worth all I've been through, as long as my worst fear doesn't come true. If that comes true, then all of this was worthless. So I'm praying to God that it doesn't come true, if it doesn't then yes, all of this was worth it.
Worst fears, best memories, broken hearts, tears shed and belly laughs. Ups and downs to rock bottom and floating on a cloud. Roller coaster of life.
I learned more here than I would have ever learned back home. Does that mean all good things? Haha, I wish. I've had to do things that I can honestly say I'm far from proud of. But I still regret nothing so far. Sadly, all this depends on one fear. This fear comes true and it all goes down the lovely drain. Not only would I be disappointed in myself, but I think everyone I know would be too. I wouldn't know what to do. I'd flip out. So hopefully it wont happen. But sometimes, you have to face the consequences to your actions.