Friday, June 1, 2012

I Am A Dancer

Oh my goodness, I'm seriously about to cry right now. After a hard day at work, I went and checked the mail. I got a letter from my student loan stuff saying that it has finally gone through that I am a student everything is in order for me to get my loans and scholarships. Then there was also a letter from World Poetry Movement. My poem "I'm A Dancer" has been selected for the International Open Poetry Contest, I am now a semi-finalist. It has also been selected to be published in the book Stars In Our Hearts, if I give permission.
Then to add on to the great news, my financial adviser from Phoenix called and everything is finally in order so that the school can now receive my scholarships.
I am seriously rather close to tears right now.

"I am a dancer.
I wonder what the audience sees.
I hear my cue to come on stage.
I see my partner in the other wings.
I want that trophy and applause.
I am a dancer.
I pretend that I can dance when I'm hurt.
I feel the spotlight on my face.
I touch the stage with my toes.
I worry about messing up.
I cry when I feel like I'm the reason.
I am a dancer.
I understand stage directions.
I say I can do it all.
I dream about taking that stage.
I try to not fall.
I hope my instructors are proud.
I am a dancer. "

I wrote this poem a long time ago, and I turned it in to a writing contest. I am now a semi finalist. This is insane.

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