Saturday, August 9, 2014

Problem Solving paper for school

Problem Solving

"The main strategy that I used was trial and error in being able to get all the animals to the other side of the river. With using this, it made it really difficult and I had to keep track of everything that I had previously tried. I honestly didn't try another strategy in this problem solving situation since trial and error seemed like the best strategy. I chose this strategy because using trial and error means that there is room for mistake and redo along many different steps, the difficult part comes into remembering the steps until you figure it out.
With trial and error, you of course run in to a few different obstacles such as repeating mistakes or losing track of what worked. I ran into both of these. I would get far enough to having each animal on the opposite side of the river, but then I'd forget what steps had gotten me as close as I was before I got stuck. I also found myself taking steps that I had previously taken which I found didn't work.
This problem solving simulation only took me one try since I had previously done this exact one. The first time I tried to solve this problem though, it took me around seven to ten tries."  

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