Thursday, August 7, 2014

Conflict Paper for school


"Conflict is something we see every day and experience it seem multiple times a day as human beings. Whether it be something small like where to eat or something large like a conflict in a relationship, it is still hard to see how to resolve the issue and get out alive to the other side of the seemingly dark tunnel.
But what is the cause of conflict, well, it varies. It can be due to competition, social dilemmas, perceived injustice, or one that is common in my life, perceptions. I know that a lot of people experience the conflict of perceived injustice, it seems I hear the words "this isn't fair" on a daily basis, and that is exactly what perceived injustice is. The funny thing to me is that the way to resolve it is yourself. The way you respond, act and hold yourself is going to affect how people respond, react and see you.
As for my biggest conflict: perceptions. There are many different types like misperception, mirror image perceptions and shifting perceptions. Misperception is when is seems that the actions or goals are unattainable and are usually caused by the root motive. Mirror Image perception is when the conflicts are mutual as is the misperceptions. And shifting perceptions is when the conflict seems to appear and disappear. The best solution to all those above is communication, whether it be within yourself to figure out the problem on your own side, or with the others involved to figure out the different motives."

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