Saturday, February 9, 2013

R.I.P Molly

I was in a car wreck today in Eugene. Molly (my car) is totaled. Luckily, I and my passengers are fine (worst injury was my passenger broke her foot, so send healing thoughts her way). I have bruising across my nose, a few Burns on my fingers from my air bag and a fairly decent bruise on my shin. I'm just thankful everyone will be okay, and that we're all alive. I'll give up my car to know that my friends are still alive. As for now, I am home in Medford and resting. Thank you to everyone who helped, especially Kory, who jumped onto action like crazy. I love you all. And thank Molly for being the tank you were and saving all of us.
Saturday: February 9, 2013:
Today was my car wreck and I'm still shaken. I was driving south, in the left lane, down River Road. I got to Hanson road (it would have been on my right), and a lady who was in the middle turn lane turned directly in front of me. This would mean that she was turning left to go onto Hanson. I had no time to slam on my breaks or swerve. I lost my car. Molly is totaled. I'm in tears over the loss. I had Stefhani in the front seat passenger and Sophie behind her. Stef broke her foot and has a severe burn from her seat belt and Soph has some pretty dandy bruises. I was so hopped up on adreniline that nothing hurt on me, I was just angry, beyond angry... I'm down right pissed off. The other driver saw me, I know she did. Why did she do this to me, my friends and Molly?! Oh Molly...
It was sunny, the roads were dry and we were heading to off the waffle...
It wasn't until after the cops talked to me and Molly started getting towed that I finally cried, I loved my car. She as my baby girl, and part of my family. It was hard seeing her smoking and broken, unable to move and me being unable to help her. I just wanted to fix her, I wanted to go back in time and make it so the crash never happened. So that all of my friends were okay and I still have Molly.
Once I got to Kory's house, I realized how bad I really hurt. My knee was throbbing, my fingers got burns from the airbag and my nose and face were in the process of bruising. I couldn't wait till my parents were able to come get me. I wanted to be home.
Once they got there, we had to go get the rest of my stuff out of Molly, I saw her and burst into tears.
After we were down the road a little, and we stopped for gas, I was able to look at my knee. There was a pretty intense welt on it and it hurt so bad. I just wanted to be home. All throughout the day, I've been crying at random points, and I really hope that stops.

From my mom:

Thank you God for protecting Carly, Sophie and Stefhani.
Thank you "Molly Car" for giving your life to protect those within.
Thank you Kory for jumping into action and taking care of them until I could get there. (Even the chicken noodle soup!)
Thank you to the First Response Teams (Firemen, police officers and ambulance).
Thank you to the eye witness that took care of these girls and stayed to make the reports.
Thank you to the gentlemen that welcomed these girls and gave them everything they needed (coats, drinks, chairs....) from his yard during this time.
Thank you to the "Angel" lady that appeared and stayed with Carly all during this ordeal. She was so kind, compassionate and gentle.
Thank you to everyone for the love and prayers during this time.

R.I.P. Molly Car, I am forever grateful. (Thanks mom!)


  1. Carly I am so grateful you are okay... a car can be replaced... you and your friends cannot... I hope that woman has insurance.

    I just got home from the hospital... I have to take it easy... so I will be commenting more on the weekend...

    So glad you are okay :)

    1. Thank you. I'm torn apart about my car simply because there was a huge emotional connection to my car, she was my best friend. But I am thankful that my friends and I are okay.
      I hope your surgery went well.
