Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sad to admit that I am not mature enough for this class (Don't read if uncomfortable about sex, nothing raunchy, just a paper I wrote for school)

Hey all, so I'm in my new courses at school and the one I'm having a hard time with is sexual psychology. I can talk about sex and all just fine, but once I have to read and write about it, it all goes down hill. I start laughing or blush. Well, I just wrote my first paper, and well... my teacher said to put personality into it:

"The Sperm and the Egg

      Through time and space, dark paths and unknown destinations, the egg and sperm make their way to find true love. Battling each other, mucus and hoping to bump into each other in the end. Eggs and sperm lifespan are totally separate from each other, until, obviously, they meet and get to know each other a bit. The eggs of a woman are produced in the ovaries, lets say that this is their “home”. A female is born with about 2 million eggs (also known as ova), this is the most she will ever have in her life and only about 400,000 eggs will survive puberty and have the chance to meet “the one”. On the other hand, men constantly produce sperm throughout the man's life though the quality dissipates with age or even frequency of how often the man ejaculates.
      Now, lets go back to the egg, about once a month, due to a woman's menstrual cycle, a single egg is evicted from her home cycle, she travels from her home (one of the ovaries) and goes through the tunnel – the adjoining fallopian tube- to the female's uterus. It is in the fallopian tube where the egg decides to hang out for a little bit, rest. Here she waits, in hopes that soon her dream sperm will come and break down her walls. After a day or two, she starts to feel stood up and gets a little annoyed, so she then decides to finish traveling to the uterus and then escapes out of the uterus by the cervix. She doesn't have forever, you know.
Looking back to see what the sperm has in store for this long journey ahead. Unlike the independent egg, these guys tend to travel in groups seeing as a man can ejaculate about one and a half to one teaspoon every time. Smart to travel in a pack, since once they are out of their home ship, the waters are unknown, dark and a bit of a tough journey, little do they know they'll be fighting each other in the end. The sperm's man cave is in a coiled tube called the epididymis and from there they travel the vas deferens while mixing with other fluids that are made by the prostate gland and seminal vesicle. The sperm then goes along the urethra and ends at the tip of the man's penis, though if there is sexual intercourse happening when these guys decide to make their trip, they are then passed into the female's vagina in hopes to swoon and win over the lady egg, who has been (possibly, if the timing is write) in the uterus. Only one of the semen, that is making up the sperm, is needed to win over the egg, fertilize her and then make a baby.
      When the sperm leave the man's penis and enter the woman's vagina, each of them knows that it's a hit or miss situation. Either the wanted lady egg will be there, or they missed their chance. If she is waiting there, its a battle to the death and only one will win.
      With that in mind, the sperm work their way through the cervical canal, into the uterine cavity and on to the fallopian tubes. Only five hundred sperm reach this destination of their journey, others give up and dissipate, obviously not strong enough for the journey and battle that awaited them. Then its the fight to be the one sperm that is able to sweep the egg off her feet and fertilize her. Hundreds compete, only one will win.
      Once fertilization of the egg starts, the egg beings to grow by dividing into two cells, then four, and so on and so forth. As this new couple divides and conquers, it travels along the woman's fallopian tube to the uterus where it makes a comfortable home in the uterine lining as an embryo, which will then grow into a child.
      The first meeting between the victorious sperm and the lonely egg occur in the outer part of the female's fallopian tube. Once the sperm wins over the egg, the sperm releases a substance that allows him to break through the egg's outer layers that keep her protected. Once the two get close enough, each provide have of the genetic information and code that is needed to make up a new child."

1 comment:

  1. This is cute Car... while being informative... I too can discuss sex but I wouldn't want to write about it... :)
