Monday, May 20, 2013

I don't know what to do...

I don't know if I am doing the right thing by quitting my job, but I can't take the abuse anymore. Constantly hearing how the store is sinking, that we aren't making enough sales... I want to work somewhere HAPPY. I am scared with this being my last week. I love working in sales, but the boss here is just simply rude. I feel like I'm at a cross roads and a rut. I want to go back to Vegas... I miss how I felt there and I miss my friends. But I don't know if I am ready to move again. I'm tired of living the same day over and over... it drives me crazy, I want to feel like my life is going somewhere, like I'm moving forward.
Honestly, I wish I could work online then I'd have time for my dancing. I don't know where to look for an online job though.
I need to take a trip to the coast for a few nights, clear my head.

I don't know what to do.


  1. See if you can take a short trip just to clear your head, than come back and make some decisions.

    I don't think you should work for rude people either... I can never understand their mentality...

    Good luck Car :)

    1. Thank you. As I'll probably be writing about tomorrow... tonight I got to meet back up with someone really important to me and it really helped. <3

  2. Car, I have been wondering how you are... ? I hope everything is going okay for you :)
