So, compared to the last time I wrote, things are looking up a little bit.
I'm still having the problems with family, and now we can add guys on top of that (which I'll hit on in a moment) but I am back in school.
I am just completing my first week of round 2 of my classes and though it is stressful since I'm self reliant for online schooling. It feels good to know that my life is still moving forward and I'm not totally stuck in a rut.
Thanks to all who messaged me or commented on my last post, seeing that people actually read what I write and care to talk to me or give me some encouraging words... or even just let me know I'm not alone... it really does help and I adore each of you for everything you've said.
As for the guys:
It seems like every guy I've had feelings for lately, ends up liking one of my friends. It really kind of sucks, but what I try to keep in mind is that if they like my friend, every person deserves to be happy. I don't need a guy to make me happy, I'm in control of my own happiness.
Also, I start dance next month. Super excited. I'll be taking Jazz Hiphop, Tap and maybe Ballet. There is no expressing how excited I am about this.
Thank you for listening, understanding and talking to me everyone. It really helps motivate me.
I am glad to see things getting better... I am hoping the same for me...;)
ReplyDeleteI hope the same for you as well. Thank you so much for the support it means so much. Just be patient, everything will turn out. :)