Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 21st, 2010: Quotes of the first few weeks of first year college

"Stories are supposed to be sexy... entertaining. Spelling things out like 'do not', 'can not'
... yeah, it's not sexy. USE CONTRACTIONS!" -Paul (English teacher)

"Oh look, that class got out early... you're not." - Paul

""If I live in Brazil I'll grow cumquats... Canada I'll grow... moose jerky?" - Paul

"See, once a fraction goes up its like the world is going to end... or like we're going to run into the backside of the car in front of us... fraction! AH!!!! Then BOOM!"-Matt (Math teacher)

"We could put cos(x-y)-2sin x+2sin y= 3 into a calculator... my calculator said 'yeah, not doing it'." -Matt

"She now thinks we need to guard the Canadian border. 'Cause you know we have to watch out for those Canadians. They might smuggle in maple syrup... watch out if you're having breakfast!" -Matt

"What's the rate?" - Matt
     "Achoo!" -student
          "No! but good guess. " -Matt

"That's really strange... it's like an evil donut or something." - Paul

"Its not like a science book that gives you content... it (English book) isn't like MEIOSIS!" -Paul

"That little half (of 20.5), we'll just have to throw it out... it could be a child but we've reached capacity." -Matt

"But then you get busted and get a Lifetime movie based on you." - Paul

"Yeah, its a rough place in the UNLV library. People get killed everyday while diving for a book." -Paul

"When you're like 15 and all 'I'm so depressed' no, you're not get over it... then the next day you're the happiest you've ever been." -Paul

"I only get drunk at 8 in the morning on Sundays. Joking! TOTALLY JOKING!" -Paul

"Five points for folling instructions... folling? falling... following.."-Paul

"It this were Alaska, it would get dark at eleven in the afternoon." - Matt

"Its not like a coo-ka-munga number is the ratio, no its in the word. Ratio, rational." -Matt

"Some of you decided to drink from the creek (of knowledge). Some decided to drink alcohol." -Matt

"I'm not Casey!" -Casey

"Babies... AH-HA!" -Casey

"Just a cookie..." -Cortney (roommate)

"Can you bleach a black man?" -Cortney
     "I don't know... go spray a black man with bleach." - Carly

"(to the beat of "Shots" by LMFAO) Socks, socks, socks, socks, socks, socks... EVERYBODY!" -Cortney

"If you die... don't die." -Cortney

"What it do baby boo (talking to KFC chicken)... get in my mouth!" -Cortney

"You know why? I a G6!" - Cortney

"Was that English?!" -Carly

"Where are my pants?" -Carly
     "You're wearing them.."-Cortney

"My fridge is cold." -Cortney

"The power of C!" -Cortney

"Any two points makes a line. Any three points makes a triangle, unless they're in a line. YAY GEOGRAPHY!" - Chris

"What day is it tomorrow?" -Cortney
     "Thursday.. I think." -Carly
          "Yeah?" -Cortney
               "I think." -Carly
                    "What's tomorrow?" -Cortney

"Do you have Lady Antebellum?" -Cortney
     "Yeah." - Carly
          "Do you have that song?" -Cortney
               "Need you now?" -Carly
                    "Yeah." -Cortney
                              "YAY!" - Cortney

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