Saturday, October 30, 2010

October 30th, 2010: English essay on a relationship

See What I Tell You To See
          “Sometimes when you can't do anything else and you can't express how you feel, there's this lovely thing called dance. When it is seen, somehow the whole world understands.” this was the best answer I could give to the my mentor for my senior project when he asked me why I dance, what dance means to me and why I wanted to take on a dance piece for my senior project. I couldn't say that dance is a series of movements that that a choreographer carefully puts together to manipulate how the audience feels and thinks. Dance is exactly that, a three way relationship between choreographer, dancer and audience, but it goes so much deeper. Dance is a way for one or two people to take control on how everyone else in the room feels and thinks, but it is only possible because dance is a universal language. No matter where they are, who, or age, when an audience watches a dance they will understand.
          There has to be a relationship between the dancers, choreographer, the audience. This is very easily manipulated by the change of music, sets, costumes, choice of auditorium and types of movement. When I was little and dressed in a bright yellow tutu doing a tap dance, the mood would have been cheery because the thoughts would be “awe, look at those little four year old kids, aren't they cute?”. Now when I tap, I understand how to control the mood. If I'm doing off beat tapping; I know I can express anger, confusion, and being hyper. On the other hand Broadway show tap is supposed to be more upbeat, happy and like nothing could rain on my parade. Think Gene Kelly in “Singing in the Rain”. Even in the pouring rain, he's dancing away and while watching it we somehow know he's just “singing in the rain” without a care in the world. As the lyrics even say in support of the dance: “I'm happy again, I'm laughing at the clouds. So dark above, the sun's in my heart and I'm ready for love.”
          Gene Kelly needed to somehow get the audience enticed in his character and the story, it is the same with me and dance. As a dancer, I must have a relationship with the audience for the performance to work, if there is no relationship then there is no possible way to manipulate the thoughts and feelings of the audience. This is why being a dancer takes acting skills as well. The choreographer should explain how they want each dance feels to the audience. It is my job as the dancer to figure out how to express that feeling and thought. This emotion is supposed to come out of how I am portraying myself to the audience. The most common ways to portray an emotion to people is with facials meaning how I smile and how I use my eyes. If the choreographer asked for the mood to be soft, quiet and a little depressed, do you think I am going to have sparkles around my eyes and big white smile? Probably not. I would let down my choreographer and not have the audience's full attention.
          As in most relationships, there's ways for this relationship to fail, usually it is if the idea is too broad or confusing or if I don't act well enough to draw the audience in. When I was sixteen I had to do a dance to “Bad Man” by Missy Elliot. The costume was black baggy sweatpants, black sweatshirt and white skate shoes. My teacher's exact words were “I want the audience to feel like you're going to jump off the stage and beat them up. So be aggressive and intimidating”. When I watch the video now, one of the girls has the biggest grin on her face I have ever seen. I get so distracted by her warm, chipper smile that I can't concentrate on the fact that the other dancers are pretty much asking for a fight. When I watch the video, I have to option to re-watch the dance and possibly find the real emotion being expressed. When someone is watching the actual performance, they have a one time shot. One dancer can ruin it all for the group and for the performance.
          Dancers, though we find each other as competition, are supposed to be a team. We are supposed to feed off of each others' energy and mood. If this doesn't happen in the group, the audience will be able to see that in the performance. We try to grow to be a team before the performance so the chances of a failed relationship with the audience diminishes. I know as well as anyone that once those lights start to warm your face and you are standing on that stage waiting for the music to start, the anxiety builds which makes it very hard to express any emotion or thought other then “AH!”. Somehow the minute that music starts we are supposed to regain ourselves. The audience came for a show, they came to see the work the dancers put in, they came to be taken out of the every day world and put into the world the choreographer chose for them.
          Most choreographers will choose a theme for their show, so it is easier to get thoughts across. I've been in Disney, Alvin and the Chipmunks, seasons, Charlie Brown, nursery rhymes and decade themes. Obviously none of these expressed the same feelings or made the audience think the same things. Even now, when I watch the Disney themed performance video, I remember being backstage watching and every dance made me think of the movie the song was from. I know there are some choreographers that do not choose a theme, I find it hard to connect to the show if it is just a jumbled mess of dances, music and costumes.
          Fusion Dance, the last company I was in, never chose a theme, and it was very difficult to follow the show. The mood would change from upbeat and perky to soft and sleepy. The audience never got really into the show, they just watched. I knew the difference because I had been in a company that chose themes and the audience would feel like they were part of the show or at least, watching a movie. I could feel the failure as a dancer being in Fusion Dance when I heard the applause diminish. With my first company the clapping would continue till a few minutes after the final curtain hit the stage, after a Fusion Dance performance the clapping would stop a few seconds after the music. I would walk backstage, pack my stuff and feel like I didn't do my best. I felt like I had practiced twice a week for a hour and a half for the last nine months for nothing. In my opinion, this is the worst feeling a dancer can have.
          After that feeling of failure for two years in a row, I was done dancing for Fusion Dance. I missed the connection of me and the audience. I didn't quit dancing, instead I took on the role of choreographer. I choreographed a ten minute dance piece as my senior project. I had to figure out everything: how I wanted the audience to feel, respond and think. I chose that I wanted to entertain and be humerus so the theme for my dance was “decades in a day”. I choose songs that were from the 80's to the current music on the radio. The costumes for my six dancers and myself were to be based on different decades. We practiced for about four or five months, and when we performed I was so excited. The audience clapped, laughed, sang along to the songs they knew and even danced in their seats. I knew my goal was accomplished.
          After the performance and the final bow, I packed up my stuff and couldn't stop smiling. I thanked each one of my dancers and their parents for letting them be in my piece. While I was in the lobby of the auditorium, I had audience members coming up to me and congratulating me and telling me how much they loved my piece. One lady that worked for the school district even said “you best get into choreography as your profession, you'll really go places and meet some wonderful people”. I was so happy and touched that the connection was there for the audience because I had lost sleep while waiting for this performance. I was so stressed and worried that the music, costumes and dance was just too far out there to really have anyone connect to it.
          Knowing that I am good at what I want to do as a profession was a great feeling. The feeling a dancer should have after a show: success. I love knowing that I can really entertain people, if not with my dancing then with my humor. I love locking people in, enticing them. Having the audience forget about the stress of everyday life, and just get into the story I'm expressing to them while I am on this stage.
          Maybe making this relationship between dancer and audience is something not ever dancer has, maybe its a learned trait or maybe we're just born with it. I'm not really sure. All I know is I can't even express how it feels after that standing ovation from the audience because they understood. Dance is a universal language, everyone understands, it just has to have the meaning and feelings behind it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 28th, 2010: Wanna know something?

Wanna know something I don't like about myself...
I write.
Yeah, that's right...
I don't like that I write.
Personally I think I write pretty well.
I'm not the best,
but there is no way I'm the worst.
I know I have spelling and grammar errors
and still don't know when to use "to" or "too".
I still think I get what I'm meaning to be clear...
by this time you might be wondering why I don't like that I write, right?
Well, it is fairly simple,
I can express myself so well when I write,
partly because I can proof read before anyone gets to read it,
but with this fact I feel that when I try to talk about how I'm feeling...
I either ramble,
don't make sense
or say nothing.
I don't like that I write because I feel like now I can only fully express myself through my writing.
And I am a little tired of hiding between pen and paper
or behind these computer screens...
I think...

it is about time

I find my voice again.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 21st, 2010: Quotes of the first few weeks of first year college

"Stories are supposed to be sexy... entertaining. Spelling things out like 'do not', 'can not'
... yeah, it's not sexy. USE CONTRACTIONS!" -Paul (English teacher)

"Oh look, that class got out early... you're not." - Paul

""If I live in Brazil I'll grow cumquats... Canada I'll grow... moose jerky?" - Paul

"See, once a fraction goes up its like the world is going to end... or like we're going to run into the backside of the car in front of us... fraction! AH!!!! Then BOOM!"-Matt (Math teacher)

"We could put cos(x-y)-2sin x+2sin y= 3 into a calculator... my calculator said 'yeah, not doing it'." -Matt

"She now thinks we need to guard the Canadian border. 'Cause you know we have to watch out for those Canadians. They might smuggle in maple syrup... watch out if you're having breakfast!" -Matt

"What's the rate?" - Matt
     "Achoo!" -student
          "No! but good guess. " -Matt

"That's really strange... it's like an evil donut or something." - Paul

"Its not like a science book that gives you content... it (English book) isn't like MEIOSIS!" -Paul

"That little half (of 20.5), we'll just have to throw it out... it could be a child but we've reached capacity." -Matt

"But then you get busted and get a Lifetime movie based on you." - Paul

"Yeah, its a rough place in the UNLV library. People get killed everyday while diving for a book." -Paul

"When you're like 15 and all 'I'm so depressed' no, you're not get over it... then the next day you're the happiest you've ever been." -Paul

"I only get drunk at 8 in the morning on Sundays. Joking! TOTALLY JOKING!" -Paul

"Five points for folling instructions... folling? falling... following.."-Paul

"It this were Alaska, it would get dark at eleven in the afternoon." - Matt

"Its not like a coo-ka-munga number is the ratio, no its in the word. Ratio, rational." -Matt

"Some of you decided to drink from the creek (of knowledge). Some decided to drink alcohol." -Matt

"I'm not Casey!" -Casey

"Babies... AH-HA!" -Casey

"Just a cookie..." -Cortney (roommate)

"Can you bleach a black man?" -Cortney
     "I don't know... go spray a black man with bleach." - Carly

"(to the beat of "Shots" by LMFAO) Socks, socks, socks, socks, socks, socks... EVERYBODY!" -Cortney

"If you die... don't die." -Cortney

"What it do baby boo (talking to KFC chicken)... get in my mouth!" -Cortney

"You know why? I a G6!" - Cortney

"Was that English?!" -Carly

"Where are my pants?" -Carly
     "You're wearing them.."-Cortney

"My fridge is cold." -Cortney

"The power of C!" -Cortney

"Any two points makes a line. Any three points makes a triangle, unless they're in a line. YAY GEOGRAPHY!" - Chris

"What day is it tomorrow?" -Cortney
     "Thursday.. I think." -Carly
          "Yeah?" -Cortney
               "I think." -Carly
                    "What's tomorrow?" -Cortney

"Do you have Lady Antebellum?" -Cortney
     "Yeah." - Carly
          "Do you have that song?" -Cortney
               "Need you now?" -Carly
                    "Yeah." -Cortney
                              "YAY!" - Cortney

Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 16th, 2010: How to essay

Wear a Heart on Your Sleeve
It is now time for origami! By the end of this you will successfully be able to make a 3D paper heart. This skill is very handy for Valentine's day and passing notes to your “sweet heart” in high school. You will need one to twenty pieces of normal printer paper, this way you'll have room to mess up. I don't see anyone needing more than twenty pieces of paper, but if you feel like you may need more, by all means, grab more paper. Along with the paper you will need a little patience, two free hands, possibly a trash basket, some tape and a finely sharpened pencil, these last two are for if you want to cheat.
Now, sit in a comfy chair in front of any kind of flat surface you can use as a table. Take your first sheet of paper and lay it horizontally in front of you, think of the horizon if you can't remember which way is horizontally or vertically. If this still confuses you, put the sheet of paper with the long side of the rectangle towards you. Fold this sheet of paper towards you, “hotdog style” or horizontally in half. Once you are content with that fold, repeat and fold the paper towards you, “hotdog style” again, If you want, mark the middle of the rectangle. Make sure to smooth out the edges, so the heart doesn't come out look odd and bumpy. If you are a perfectionist, you can fold the to ends together making a rectangle half the length and mark the middle of the rectangle. This will help to avoid a lop-sided heart. You do not have to do this step however.
Make sure the open part of the “hotdog” is towards you, this is very important for steps later on in the process. Fold one of the sides of the rectangle into the center of the rectangle, making a right angle. Make sure the side you fold is, yet again, the open part of the “hotdog”. You should have an open part of the “hotdog” facing towards you, and facing toward the inside of the right angle just made.
Now, fold the other side to mirror that. This should make a triangle at the bottom with two long rectangles coming up, or an arrow pointing at you. If you have now messed up, take a deep breath, crumple the paper in anger and throw it in the trash, grab a new piece of paper and begin again. If you don't want to waste paper however, calmly unfold the piece of paper, breathe and simply begin again.
Flip your paper over, now you see a difference in the triangle and rectangles. Take one of the long rectangle flaps and fold it down toward the outside of the triangle, so that it is right next to the long edge of the triangle. Repeat on the other side. It should now look kind of like something a superhero would have as an emblem.
Fold each of those flaps down toward the bottom of the heart. This should make the shape of the top of a heart. Tuck the rectangles into the long edge of the triangle, they might stay but if you want you may use tape so the heart doesn't explode open the minute you put it down on the table or throw it across the room to your “sweet heart”.
You have hopefully now had success in making a 3D paper heart, this success may have come after a few tries, but you still did it! You can now decorate it with sparkles, stickers, drawings and give them away as valentines instead of having to buy them! Hopefully, making this didn't cause too many paper cuts, if so put some Neosporin and a band-aid on the cuts, you'll be good as new in a few days. For now, take out the trash which might be full of failures then be proud of yourself in learning your new paper heart making skill.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12th, 2010: No worries

     Hello world, did you miss me? No worries, I'm not dead... its just been stressful on this side of the blog. So lets get you updated, yes?
     So, as you all know, I tore the ligaments in my ankle and have to wear an ankle boot... well see, last blog I didn't really explain how that impacted me sooooo much to where I might have had to go home...
You see, readers, I'm a dance major and more than half of my classes were dance classes. Obviously if I can't dance I fail these classes. Well, with just plain out dropping these classes, I'd only have 3 credits... you need 12 to stay in the dorms (which of course, with not being anywhere close to home, is where I live). So I was screwed. All because I was dancing in my Jazz class and tore ligaments. Ugh, I felt beyond screwed over. I didn't want to leave Vegas, I wanted to finish out this semester here.
     Well now, to update everything. I started thinking for myself over the weekend, instead of just letting the frustration and opinions of everyone else get to me. I decided I'd look into mid-semester classes and then when I'm home for Christmas break I'd decide if I wanted to come back to UNLV or not depending on how I felt and where my ankle is in its healing process. So with that choice, I called my parents and told them.
Monday (aka: yesterday): I didn't have to get up till 8ish because I don't have English this week since we are doing conferences. Well, my conference with Paul (English teacher) was yesterday in the Coffee Bean in Lied (pronounced like lee-d) at 8:50. I showed up early, mainly because I didn't even know there was a Coffee Bean ON campus, but it all worked out to where I got a White Chocolate blended coffee.... yum! Sat down with Paul and found out my recent grades: B on my latest essay and B- on my midterm... and B+ in class overall. Yay!
     After that I had a meeting with my advisor at 9:30, to tell him what I wanted to do about everything. I obviously needed to drop my dance classes but had to fill those 6 credits some way or another. He agreed. We got all that worked out and I now have 2 classes I must attend and 2 classes online. So everything is finally worked out and Vegas has to deal with me a little longer.
     As for today: even though I kinda wanna yell at the girls who are screaming down the hallway, I'm still in a good mood. I trimmed and re-layered my hair and felt great after so I dressed accordingly to go to class... well.. I guess I look decent since a guy crashed his skateboard into a speed bump smiling at me. Needless to say: made my day.
     Things seem to be on the right track again, now lets just see if they will stay there till I'm at least home.
I have my MRI on Friday so we can see the damage on my ankle... I'm kinda nervous but really excited.
     I promise readers, now that things are back to good, I'll keep you more updated. Thank you for sticking with me, and reading. It means a lot to me. And if you feel so obliged, so I can see exactly how many readers I have (I'm very curious), please write a comment or message me somehow. Thank you so much. :)
     Have a great week, and rest of the day.I'm meeting up with Casey at 7ish to go eat at the DC... then back to my lovely Supernatural obsession. Jared Padalecki <3

^ How I looked for my meeting with my advisor.
 I wanted to look like I wasn't playing games, but still wanted to look friendly.
^how I look today
Hair re-layered and a little shorter. I love it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 7th, 2010: I don't want to...

I'm laying here, the only light is the light of my laptop screen.
I'm curled up in a ball... tears running down my face.
My ankle hurts, and the ankle boot makes my foot itch (I tore a lot of ligaments in my ankle).
My only option it seems is to go home...
and I don't want to.
I WANT to finish the year here...
even if it just means getting my gen ed out of the way...
but my dad wants me home...
and it feels like my mom is just so scattered that one second its stay here, next second its come home and there's no support any where
I'm the one injured... I'm the one hearing all this stuff without some sort of back up.
I don't want to go home.
I want to finish my year here.
Should I scream it at the top of my lungs so I'm heard?
But if I stay here...
what do I do?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3rd, 2010: Tears

I'm in tears right now...
not bad tears..
but good tears.
I just got off the phone with my dad,
and I finally heard the words I've been working so hard to hear...
apparently he's said them before but their usually surrounded by negative so I never hear it...
this time it wasn't.
It was all good:
"Just with talking on the phone to you, I can hear how much you've grown up in such a short period of time. I'm proud of you."
There they were.
Ringing in my ears and bringing tears to my eyes.
I know my dad is proud of me but its rare to hear it like how it was said.
Usually its "I'm always proud of you but you could do better"...
or something along those lines.
I miss my dad so much.
Even though him and I don't get along as much as I wish we did...
I miss him so much.
I miss my mom too, but that one is obvious.
"I'm proud of you."

Thanks daddy...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2nd, 2010: Goodness

So tonight is our game against our biggest rival (UNR)... we'll lose. We've only won one game and it was against New Mexico. So anyway, I'm not going to our game tonight... not only because I can predict that we'll lose horribly but also because my ankle hurts.
I went to see the doctor on Thursday and she told me I have tendonitis and tore a muscle in my ankle. It hurts horribly. So she prescribed a really heavy duty IbProphen and I have to keep my ankle wrapped. If it isn't better by Tuesday I'm supposed to call and see a different doctor. Ugh. I don't like doctors at all.

I've decided I should break up with Steven, not that anyone cares.

I can't wait to be home for Christmas. I wont want to leave.