Stayed in my dorm today, had a temperature of 89.4. It took all my energy to even go down to the health center. I feel bad for missing my classes today, but I have been working on class work during the time that I'm awake. I'm still not feeling well at all, which is awful. I'm going to try to go to bed early tonight. Doubt it will work. Anyway, as I was awake and needing a break from math I started to write and this is the outcome:
"Dancers. We are contradictions. We work our butts off to be exactly how everyone else wants us to be but we claim to be individuals. We fake it till we either make it or break. We work out to have good, strong, healthy bodies while we starve ourselves to fit into costumes, we suffer sleep deprivation (and restless leg syndrome), we have the worst blisters, we strain our knees, backs, shoulders and necks... sprains and muscle injuries are a normal part of our life. We have to look perfect for everyone at all times but we'll do everything in public and not care. We claim we don't care what others think of us but that is exactly all this profession is. Judgement. Trying, fighting and risking everything to be the best. Dancers. We're crazy... but most of us are trying to be our teacher's little prima so much that we don't see how stupid we really are. We started dance because it was fun, then it became a passion which quickly turned into a dream. A dream we must let others control. I had this dream once... the dream to become a famous dancer... but I gave up on this dream and now have a dream to control the dreams of the crazy dancers who want to be my little prima. I want to be a teacher and a choreographer... not a ballerina... not a show girl. I want to inspire and I want to be inspired. Dancers... some of us are smart individuals."
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