Hey all,
Sorry I haven't been here but life kinda exploded.... again.
So, my mom and I kept fighting and it was really starting to just kill me because there is nothing I want more than to have the relationship my sister and mom have. Well, I know now that it wont ever happen because, well, lets face it... I'm not my sister.
With that, I started looking at apartments for my dog and I to move into. That didn't happen. Instead, my mom moved out and in with her new (and amazingly nice) boyfriend. I now have the master bedroom in the house I grew up in which is what I thought I was going to have for the last year and half.
So, needless to say, I've been moving my things and packing certain things away which has been insanely hectic and really rather emotional. I've been in the bedroom that I'm moving out of since I was 8, it holds a lot to me so leaving it has been a huge process.
I've also been working my butt off at work and trying to get in there as much as I can by covering other's shifts and showing the boss that I'm reliable by showing up insanely early for my own shifts. I've only been late once at the fault of my computer.
My dad and I have been getting along really well, which is nice... weird, but nice. His wife and I are on good terms as well, to the point where I'll sometimes even refer to her as my "step mom". WEIRD!
School is going really well, I was on a two week break for Christmas and New Years which was much needed, and I talked to my adviser yesterday and found out that I'm three months closer to being done with my first degree than what I thought. :)
Again, sorry that I've been MIA, but I'm back again... finally. I've missed writing and my "blog family".
Hope you guys are having a great first month of the new year.